

Kokand and its sights

A city that is surrounded by vineyards and trees, a city that was mentioned in the notes of a Chinese diplomat, a city that received a “second wind” in the 18th century. All this is about Kokand – an ancient and historically rich city in the southwestern part of Fergana Valley. The old name of the city Khukand/Havokand was found in ancient records of the 10th century. 

Kokand was a transport hub and trade center on the Great Silk Road therefore trade, infrastructure and various arts and crafts were developed in Kokand. 

Historical architecture of Kokand

Kokand was part of Central Asian state of Davan which existed in the 3d century BC. Its prosperity falls on the 18th when it becomes the capital of a large and developed state – the Kokand Khanate. The state occupied most of the territory of Central Asia and even a small part of China. It was a khanate not only with promising trade but also a religious center and a great architectural heritage has been preserved here. Only in Kokand there are more than three hundred mosques and dozens of Madrasahs: 

  • Mosque and Madrasah Jami
  • Narbuta-Biya Madrasah
  • The magnificent palace of Khudoyar Khan
  • Mausoleums of Modari Khan and Dahma-i-Shahan 

Currently Kokand is located 228 km from the capital of Uzbekistan.